Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Fashion: Chique Summer Evening Look

I've wanted to write fashion blog for ages (as the pictures are from almost a month back), but I kept forgetting about, so here it finally is.

The look is from my parents anniversary dinner party, which was in August on a quite hot day, so the look turned out quite well. I bought the white dress when I was in London, it is from the brand 'Apricot'. The under layer of the dress is a kind of beige, which sets off the whiteness of the dress a little. I combined it with off-white heels that I actually got from a friend as she didn't want them anymore. To make it a little more special than just the white/brownish colours, I painted my toe- and finger nails a bright red and wore a golden cuff with it.

What do you guys think, repeater or not?


  1. Gorgeous dress! Looks really good on you :D

  2. i like the dress, only from the picture, for my taste it quite an bit to short then I am usually wear, so i would have worn tights. but on you it looks cute :) good thing syou indeed coloured it up with some red and gold.

  3. Ohh I really love the dress! Definitely a repeater!
