Thursday, 30 August 2012

Spotlight: Saving Hope

It's time for the second spotlight, and this time it goes to my current favourite tv serie Saving Hope.

I have to admit it has been a while since I've been following a  hospital TV show. I have never actually seen Grey's Anatomy (which I might have regretted at one point, but I can't be bothered to catch up anymore) and I have never seen more than a couple of episodes of House. I did like ER, though I didn't see that show until like the 10th reruns on television. I did really like 'Strong Medicine' but they only kept showing the same episodes over and over on television, really annoying.
In SAVING HOPE, when charismatic Chief of Surgery Charlie Harris  at Torontos Hope-Zion Hospital ends up in a coma, he leaves the hospital in chaos and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. Along with newly-arrived star surgeon, Joel Goran , Alex races to save Harris life. As the action unfolds, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in spirit form, not sure if hes a ghost or a figment of his own imagination. Reid, along with her fellow doctors, press on to save his life and those of their other patients, as they deal with the complicated and courageous decisions that are made in their daily struggle to keep hope alive.
I started watching the series, because Daniel Gillies is in it, otherwise I might not even have ever heard about the series. I have to admit that Daniel is pretty awesome it in (and looks good too!). His character Joel can be a total ass now and then, but that kind of makes me like the character so much. He is the typical kind of surgeon every tv serie needs.

And yes I do like the series further as well, not only because of Daniel. The difference from this serie with other series is that they took a little paranormal in it as well, with the out of body experience from Charlie. It might make it less realistic, maybe it is something that really happens, who knows, I like the extra addition and the different look you sometimes get from it on whatever the doctors are doing as Charlie will explain it.

I have to warn, they really do not cover up wounds it the series, you get most of the time, full shots of every growse wound, but I'm really not the best with wounds and all and I can stand it as well so that counts for something at least.

Have you seen the show, planning on seeing it?

Monday, 27 August 2012

Music Monday: 'Now that I've found you'

Some of you might know, some don't, but I absolutely adore Nikki Reed as an actress and style icon. Most of you probably know her from her role as Rosalie in Twilight, but she has much better projects. Anyway, this is supposed to be a music post, so let's roll on to music.

I can actually hear a few of you think, can she sing? Yes, a little, maybe. She did a song together with her husband Paul McDonald, 'Now that I've found you', (and I believe they are (planning on) recording more. Most of the vocals is done by Paul, Nikki jumps in during the chorus and she's in the videoclip as well. Even though Nikki doesn't even appear that much in the song, I directed this post more on her than on Paul anyway, because without Nikki in it I probably would have never heard the song and I really do like it.

Please let me know what you think of the song (even if you do not like it ;) )

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Vampire Diaries Drabbles

As some of you let me know that you liked the previous drabbles of The Vampire Diaries, here's the first follow up. The first one is a little Salvatore Bromance as requested by Darlene. The second one is Klaroline, I'll do some Stelena/Delena next time again ;)

Team Salvatore
'So you really think this is going to work out?' Damon asked his younger brother Stefan, who raised his eyebrows in confusion.
'What do you mean?' He asked.
'Well this whole, you are a bad vampire ripper now. It's not very convincing.'
'You always told me you didn't like me eating bunnies and now you are scoffing me as not being good a the bad guy, jeez Damon thanks.' Stefan said to his brother and turned back to his drink. Damon let out a chuckle on his brother's reaction.
'You just have to act a little bit more like me Stefan.' Stefan straightened up and looked at Damon.
'Alright let me try this. So, Stefan, you shouldn't always be eating bunnies, it is really not healthy for you.' Stefan mimicked his brother. Damon laughed.
'You really have to work on that, Stefan. You are by far not as good yet.' He smirked.
'Prove that you are better in mimicking me then.' Stefan challenged Damon.
'You shouldn't always be killing people, Damon. Squirrels are a much better solution.' Stefan laughed.
'That was really bad, Damon.' Damon smirked and held up his glass, klincking it againt Stefan's when he held it up.
'To very bad impressions.' Damon said.
'I drink to that.' Stefan agreed.

Klaus looked around. He was sure Caroline would be somewhere at the 1920's party, for sure she wouldn't miss a party. His eye caught a lot of people he rather wasn't around, The Salvatores, Tyler Lockwood. He kept scanning the crowd till he saw her blond hair waving through the crowd. He could make out the bright red flapper dress he had bought for her and was surprised to see her wearing it at all, but maybe this was only to give him hope he shouldn't be having in the first place.
'Caroline.' Klaus said as he approached her. She turned around to face Klaus, though she didn't seem to happy to see him. 'You look wonderful in the dress.'
'I didn't have anything else to wear.' Caroline told him. 'So don't get your hopes up.'
'Caroline, there you are.' Tyler interrupted them and looked at Klaus with a bit of a suspicious look. He didn't like him always trying to hit on his girl, but with his sire bond to him, he didn't have too much choice.
'Tyler, you obviously wouldn't mind if I take Caroline for a dance?' Klaus could almost feel the tension build up between them, but he seemed to care less and was satisfied when he saw Tyler shake his head.
Caroline looked from Tyler to Klaus. 'Right.' She muttered and walked of with Klaus to the dance floor.
'I don't know why you keep trying this, Klaus. I'm obviously not in to you.' Caroline said a he spun her around. Klaus smiled at her in return.
'What isn't can alway come, Caroline. Besides, you just need to start realizing that this all won't be enough for you.' Caroline snorted. 'I have plenty of time, love, I can wait.' He spun her around again and held her for a second afterward, their eyes locking for a split second, before Caroline stepped back and walked away without saying another word, leaving Klaus behind.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Book Review #3 The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

As I mentioned in my previews blog, I'm a little behind on my reviews, so here is a new one. The book is The Name of the Star and it's written by Maureen Johnson. I had the honour of meeting her this spring at a Q&A with Cassandra Clare in London and well, Maureen is pretty awesome. She has maybe a bit too much of energy sometimes, ghehe, but she got me so excited about her book during the talk that there was no way I was going to go home without a book of her. Talking with others around me while we were in the queue, I got told that this one was the best of her work, so I decided to buy it and I haven't regret that for a second since I started reading the book.

I have the British cover, which is the right one

The day Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London marks a memorable occasion. For Rory, it’s the start of a new life at a London boarding school. But for many, this will be remembered as the day a series of brutal murders broke out across the city, gruesome crimes mimicking the horrific Jack the Ripper events of more than a century ago.
Soon “Rippermania” takes hold of modern-day London, and the police are left with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. Rory spotted the man police believe to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him. Even her roommate, who was walking with her at the time, didn’t notice the mysterious man. So why can only Rory see him? And more urgently, why has Rory become his next target?
I don't read a lot of thriller like books at all, I've only read a few, which seems nothing in comparison to the amount of books I've read over all. Though there are some grusome moments in the book (as you might expect with a book that is based on the Jack the Ripper murders), it isn't fully thriller material. There is enough fun, romance and some paranormal twists as well (that I didn't see coming at all, but really liked).

Maureen has an amazing way of writing. The book is from the perspective from an American teenager who comes to London and I just loved how you explore London and its culture along with her. As a non-Brit I have been grinning like a mad girl now and then when I recognized those typical things of the British culture that I wasn't used to myself.

Like said, there is a paranormal twist in it, which made it even more intresting to me, as it lifts the "just a thriller book" idea of it, but you will have to figure out for yourself what that twist is.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Massive Bookswap

So last night I did a massive bookswap with my best friend Yasmine (make sure to check out her blog if you haven't already). For those who have no idea what I mean with a bookswap, we literally swapped some books around from each other to read (so basically saving money borrowing the books instead of buying them straight off, good tip for the economic crisis perhaps?)

The books I have borrowed from her are some I have been dying to read for ages. The first 6 books I have borrowed is The Immortals serie from Alyson Noel. The funny thing is that I recommended these books to her over a year ago and some way she ended up buying them and I still haven't read them, but that's about to change now finally.
The other books that I've borrowed are The Secret Circle books from L.J. Smith. I have to admit that I gave up on the serie halfway through, but I have heard so much more positive comments about the books that I'm pretty curious to start reading these as well. I'll make sure to review them once I'm done with them.

On the other hand, she has borrowed a larger varity of books from me. Inbetween from Tara Fuller, The Magician's Apprentice from Trudi Canavan, The Name of the Star from Maureen Johnson, Wither from Lauren DeStefano, City of Ships from Mary Hoffman and Vals from Mel Wallis de Vries (Dutch author).

Obviously, I have read these already and most of them I'm really excited about still and I have them on my 'soon to be reviewed list' (I'm getting a bit behind on this), but if there is any book that I just mentioned you would really like to read a review about, let me know and I make it skip the queue.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Book I'm looking forward to: My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris

I have been reading quite a lot lately, so I will have some new review up pretty soon. As for now I want to introduce you all to a book which I'm absolutely looking forward to, can't wait to read it! It's My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris.

On the precipice of her sixteenth birthday, the last thing lone wolf Cat Crawford wants is an extravagant gala thrown by her bubbly stepmother and well-meaning father. So even though Cat knows the family’s trip to Florence, Italy, is a peace offering, she embraces the magical city and all it offers. But when her curiosity leads her to an unusual gypsy tent, she exits . . . right into Renaissance Firenze.

Thrust into the sixteenth century armed with only a backpack full of contraband future items, Cat joins up with her ancestors, the sweet Alessandra and protective Cipriano, and soon falls for the gorgeous aspiring artist Lorenzo. But when the much-older Niccolo starts sniffing around, Cat realizes that an unwanted birthday party is nothing compared to an unwanted suitor full of creeptastic amore.

Can she find her way back to modern times before her Italian adventure turns into an Italian forever?

Alright, why am I looking forward to this book? One because it is about Italy, my absolutele favourite country (at least to go on holidays). And when Italy is combined with its older version of the Renaissance, it is an absolutely go for me. I have read more books that are about time travelling that goes back to the old Italy and I love each and every one of them, so I can't wait to add this one to the read list.

Besides that, Rachel Harris is cool as well. Right now as promotion for her debut book she is doing what is called 'The Flirt Squad'. You can read about it here. As part of the squad you can win prizes and every month she is introducing an author with exclusive previews and cool goodies to win as well. You can join the flirt squad or just the current contests about Cindi Madsen, who is the first author in the spotlight. If you join, it would be really great if you can mention my name (as it provides me with points).

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Spotlight: Video Artist xXWhisperOfDreamsXx

As you can see at the top of this blog, a new page has been added, namely 'Spotlight'. Very regularly I'll put something or someone (blog, author, book, movie, whatever I can think of) in the Spotlight, just because I love it so much.

The first spotlight is reserved for a YT fanvid artist that I absolutely adore. I'm sure that by now you know that I am a huge fan of the tv serie 'The Vampire Diaries' and this artist just makes the most incredible fanvids (and luckily for me a lot of them are from my favourite ships/chars). The artist I'm talking about is xXWhisperOfDreamsXx and if you have never seen any of her work, please have a look because it is absolutely amazing. Some of her vids have manips in them, which are just perfect.

I'll list a top 5 of my favourite vids below here (which is an almost impossible job for me to choose), but she has many more.

This fanvid has some amazing manips in it and the song fits the video so incredibly well, I love the song mainly because of this fanvid.

Stelena? Yeaah sorry for the Delena's around here, but she has some awesome Delena vids as well ;) This song is just perfect for Stefan/Elena, and she used 'Kiss me' from Ed Sheeran just beautifully.

Klaus and Rebekah just have an incredibly beautiful and complicated brother/sister relationship, which has been visualised in this vid, again the song just fits all the images in it so well.

Again Klaus/Caroline, yes sorry for that, but most of her vids are Klaroline related and again this video is just a perfect combination again of the song and the images that are shown in the fanvid.

This last one is more general of The Vampire Diaries and shows a lot of (friend)ships all together, very beautifully put together again, I know I'm repeating myself over and over, but that is just how I feel with all her videos.

She has some non-TVD videos as well. There are some of Twilight and of 'Hart of Dixie' as well. Hope you guys enjoyed this first Spotlight post and maybe love her vids just as much as I do and subscribe to her channel.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Long time no see

'Meeting up with friends' and 'long time no see' would probably two titles I could give my past week. On tuesday I met up with a friend from High School who I hadn't seen for about one and a half year (besides a short encounter when we by accident met each other in the bus). We always used to bike to school together and we met up at that exact same  spot where I would always wait for her (or she for me, but mostly the other way around, haha). We went to the restaurant where we both used to work, so we catched up with some ex-colleagues as well, which was really nice.
I had the most delicious goat cheese sandwich for lunch, while talked for a couple of hours (practically non-stop). One of the subjects that had to come by was the TV-serie Friends. We've both been addicted to that show and still watch the re-runs regularly or otherwise the many bloopers that have surfaced over the years, admit it, that show is just hilarious, no matter how many times you have already seen it (well I think so at least).

This saturday I had the birthday from a friend, Yasmine, who I have to admit have seen more often to fall in the category 'long time no see', but mostly it does feel like that still. The weather was fabulous so we could sit outside, which was really nice and I don't even think I got sunburned. I had already given her her actual presents when we went to Walibi, but still made a card with one of the pictures that was shot when we went to Birmingham for a Vampire Diaries convention, as it is never a bad thing to be able to look at a picture with so many great actors (in this case Steven R. McQueen, Nathaniel Buzolic, Claire Holt, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley and Malese Jow) with yourself propped in the middle :) It was a nice day and ended with my dad and me making a lot of bruschettas for dinner (I'll make a recipe blog post of that soon).

Sunday was again a time for another meet up with friends, this time with friends from my studies who I hadn't seen for about half a year as we all had been on internships scattered over the world. We went for lunch in Utrecht and tanned in the sun for hours with food and wine and a lot, a lot, a lot of talking. Three of us (including myself) had their birthdays while we were on internships, so we celebrated those as well. I got a lovely birthday card and some vouchers to spend on books/dvds or the like, which is always spot on for me.

So basically, I had a very good week, spent time with some of my friends, got tanned, laughed a lot and talked a lot, I really do not need much more (besides maybe seeing some more friends ;) )

Talk to you all soon again!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Book I'm looking forward to: Medusa, A Love Story

I've plenty of books on my 'to-read' list and many I still need to obtain, so they are a little lower on the list, but that doesn't mean I'm not very much looking forward to reading those books. One of those books is Medusa, A love story written by Sasha Summers.

It's said love can change a person. Medusa wasn't always a monster...
Medusa is ruled by duty, to her Titan father and the Goddess Athena. She's no room for the tenderness her warrior guard, Ariston, stirs. When Olympus frees her from service, her heart leads her into the arms of the guard she loves... and curses her as the creature with serpent locks.
Ariston goes to war with a full heart... and dreadful foreboding. He learns too late of the danger Medusa faces, alone, and a Persian blade sends him into the Underworld. But death, curses, nor the wrath of the Gods will keep him from returning to her.
Poseidon will use Greece's war to get what he wants: Medusa. He does not care that she belongs to another. He does not care that she will be damned. He is a God, an Olympian, and she will be his.
Why I am so excited for this book? I love Greek myths for one. I've never actually read any of those old books and stories about all the myths, besides one that I was forced to read by my High School teacher, but I forgot most about that one. However, everything that is written about the gods and myths always intrest me and it might or might not be true, I don't know and I don't really mind if the fiction books are different from the original myths, that actually makes it fun to read. I really can't wait for this one!

Let me know if you guys are going to add this one to your 'to read' list as well, curious to find out if it appeals to all of you as well!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

What's your chocolate? Blog Hop!

I came across this Blog Hop on the website of Ciara Knight and I immediately wanted to join. Why? Because I loveeeee chocolate! To quickly clarify what a blog hop is, the list you see down in this post is the list of all blogs that have joined so far and will automatically be updated every time that someone joins. The idea is that with that list you can HOP from blog to blog, simply right?

This Blog Hop is about chocolate and will take place on September the 10th. Anyone who wants can still join, just follow the instructions below the linky list, which says 'click here to enter'.
Who doesn’t LOVE Chocolate?
Do you love chocolate? Does the very word make you drool with anticipation? Then be sure to join us on September 10th for the “What’s Your Chocolate?” Blogfest and tell us all about it!
Post about your favorite chocolate – what it means to you, where and when you indulge, a favorite memory – anything chocolate-related.
Hosted by M. Pax, Laura Eno, Brinda Berry, and Ciara Knight.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Book Review #2 House of Night: The Novellas

So here it is, my second book review. I think most people who like the vampire genre, know the book serie 'House of Night' from Kristin and P.C. Cast. For those who do not know the books, here is a synopsis of the first book:
After a Vampire Tracker Marks her with a crescent moon on her forehead, 16-year-old Zoey Redbird enters the House of Night and learns that she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess Nyx and has affinities for all five elements: Air, Fire Water, Earth and Spirit. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school’s most elite club, is mis-using her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny – with a little help from her new vampyre friends (or Nerd Herd, as Aphrodite calls them).
There are 10 books in total up to now, with more to come. But besides the main books, they have written novella's as well, background stories of some of the characters. The two novellas that have been published are Dragon's Oath and Lenobia's Vow. As far as I know two more are about to come (about Neferet & Kalona), but those haven't been published yet.

Lenobia's Vow
Of the two novellas this was the first one I've read. It is about the background story from the House of Night's horse mistress Lenobia. It tells her story from when she was 16 years old.
When fate intervenes, Lenobia suddenly finds herself surrounded by other girls, on a ship bound for New Orleans, where they will be married off to the city’s richest Frenchmen. And they’re not alone…. An evil bishop who is skilled in Dark magic makes the same journey. His appetite for lovely young women makes him dangerous – most of all to Lenobia, who caught his eye back in France. So she remains hidden, making secret visits to the ship’s stables, where a handsome young man and his beautiful Percheron horses soon capture her attention.
I loved to read about Lenobia's background as she appears as a great character in The House of Night books, though she doesn't have the biggest role in the books, I always loved her as a professor. It was amazing to read how her love for horses developed so much and how she becomes so close with the animals, as well as their caretaker. I've grown to love Lenobia even more than I already did because of this novella.

Dragon's Oath
This novella is the background story from (later) professors Dragon Lankford and Anastasia. Before you start reading this novella, be aware that it starts and finishes in the current time and that there will be huge spoilers if you haven't read the main books yet.
Becoming a Fledgling may be exciting, but it opens a door to a dangerous world…. In 1830’s St. Louis, the Gateway to the West, Dragon Lankford becomes a Sword Master, and soon realizes there are both frightening challenges and beautiful perks. Like Anastasia, the captivating young Professor of Spells and Rituals at the Tower Grove House of Night, who really should have nothing to do with a fledgling…

But when a dark power threatens, Dragon is caught in its focus. Though his uncanny fighting skills make him a powerful fledgling, is he strong enough to ward off evil, while protecting Anastasia as well? Will his choices save her—or destroy them all?

This one is so much different from Lenobia's vow. Where Lenobia's vow seems to be a bit more sweet and lovable (though intense as well), this one is intense from start to end and much more troublesome. It does give a lot of background about Dragon though and it really shapes his character for who he is, as well as for Anastasia. One of the main events in one of the books is connected to this novella, which makes the beginning of it already heart breaking and the end even more, when you get to know how this could have happened, so be aware of some tears that may flow.

Both novellas hold beautiful drawings at the beginning of each chapter that go along with the stories very well, an excellent addition to the novellas!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The world of rollercoasters

I was going to write this blog on sunday, but then I got sudden inspiration for some drabbles and postponed it.

So, this saturday I went with friends to Walibi Holland, a rollercoaster theme park here in The Netherlands. We went for the birthday of 2 of the girls as well as just to go and have fun with each other and have a nice day out. I will have to admit that this was my first time I ever went to the theme park or a theme park like this at all. Yes, I have been to other theme parks in The Netherlands and even to Disneyland Paris, but those themeparks are a lot of things and a few rollercoasters, this is a lot of rollercoasters and a few other things.

But for everything is a first and I really enjoyed it. We had a lot of fun and the weather was really nice, so that helped a lot as well. Not everyone dared to go in all rollercoasters, but luckily the rows for waiting weren't too long, so they never had to wait too long all together. There were 2 water attractions as well that we went in to and got out soaking wet, haha.

It was really nice to see everyone again (most I hadn't seen for at least a year) and we had good fun!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Delena, Stelena... Klaroline?

Alrigh, so as promised I'll try to keep this blog as up to date as possible and try to keep it interesting at the same time, so even though I have still some books lined up to be reviewed, I will not only keep doing that, because you guys must get bored at one point of that I guess.

In my first post I asked if you guys wanted to read some drabbles of mine and I got possitive comments on that, so let's do it (you can always so NO still if you do not like it at all, haha). I will do some 'Vampire Diaries' drabbles to start of with as I got requests for those. Klaroline (Klaus & Caroline) and Delena (Damon & Elena) seemed to be favourite for drabbles, so I'll do those combined with a little Stelena (sorry, I'm more of a Stefan person). I won't make it real stories, but some follow up sequences. Let me know if you like them (or not) and if you want to read more ;)

Just to be sure, I do not own any of the characters mentioned below in the drabbles, neither the parts that are based on the real TV Serie.

Stelena/Delena (Team Salvatore?)
I let the story drabbles happen somewhere during S3 of the actual serie, but the events may be different or in a different order.
'Stefan?' Elena whispered quietly when she saw Stefan. She knew she wouldn't have much time until Damon would come out of the bar again, or until Klaus would interrupt them and that for sure couldn't happen, because then he would know she was still alive.
Stefan turned when hearing the so known sound of Elena's voice. Everything inside him felt twisted when he looked at the girl he loved so intensely. He could feel himself lighten up for a moment, but that all dissapeared again with the same pace it had came.
'You shouldn't be here Elena.' His voice was hard and stern. He believed every single word he said, though he didn't want it to be true. Klaus couldn't find out she was here or she would die and he had promised her over and over to do everything to keep her safe. Though all these words didn't seem to come out.
Elena rushed over to Stefan. She didn't care what he was saying, she wanted him to come back home. She walked over to him, leaning in and kissing him.
Stefan had the feeling everything bursted inside him, but mind took over heart and pushed Elena of him. 'You shouldn't be here.' He said harsh, keeping her off. He could almost feel all the pain that he caused her, but it was for the better. 'Now go back home with Damon and stay there.' He turned around and walked off, hearing Elena starting to sob behind him.

'Elena?' Damon walked into the living room from the Salvatore mansion. It was about three o'clock at night and he had been sure Elena had gone off to bed, but now he heard her downstairs. Elena looked up to him, her eyes all puffy.
'He isn't coming back, is he?' Elena asked Damon, referring to Stefan. She hadn't able to sleep since the moment Stefan had walked out on her, neither had she stopped crying, even though tears had stopped flowing a while ago. 'He has to come back.' She added in a whisper.
Damon walked over to Elena. He wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her, but getting comfort from the brother of the one she was crying over wasn't really going to help the case, he knew that much.
'I'm going to do everything in my power to get my little brother back, Elena.' He reassured her. I would do it all of it, for him, but most surely for you as well Elena.
Elena smiled a little, faint smile, but it was the most she had done as much as smiling in the past time. 'Thank you.' She whispered to Damon.

Klaroline (Goo... Originals!)'I really do not know what to wear.' Rebekah exclaimed as she showed of the million dress in front of Klaus. 'They really do not have proper clothes that suit a party thrown with a theme of the 1920's, where has the style of all these women gone off to.' Klaus rolled his eyes, only half paying attention to his sister, while he sipped champagne, waiting for her to be ready.
'Just pick something, sister love.' He said, without looking up. 'I'm sure you will look dashing as always.' Rebekah grunted a little and walked over to her brother.
'Don't be like that, Nik. I'm pretty sure if this was about a dress for that Caroline girl you seem to chase, you would be all ears and eyes.' Rebekah didn't like Caroline at all and the new interest from her brother for her, was even less to her likes. That girl was ruining her family.
'Don't be such a mood killer, sister.' Klaus said, badly wanting to change the subject. 'Today was going to be a day for siblings, as you wanted so badly.' He said and saw Rebekah smile a little, knowing he had succeeded as much as was necessary. When Rebekah returned back to fitting more dresses, Klaus got up and went to the counter where he made sure the dress was send out today, that was meant for Caroline, together with the hand written note, that asked her to save some time for him tonight.

Did you guys liked it, hated it? Should I never do this ever again? Any requests from 'The Vampire Diaries' or other series/movies/books? Let me know in the comments!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Book Review #1 Wasteland by Lynn Rush

Like I said in the introduction blog, I'll do some book reviews now and then. I have read quite some intresting books over the past couple of months, so I have some reviews to write. I'll do some more known books, for example The Mortal Instruments, but I am mostly excited to do some reviews of books I think are far less known. I will avoid spoilers in the review and if I want to put in some more details, I'll make sure I'll let you know way beforehand ;)

The first book that I'll do a review from, is one of those books that is probably less known. The book is called Wasteland and is written by Lynn Rush. Wasteland was her first book and it is the first book in the Wasteland Triology. The book takes place in the modern world, but is combined with (half)demons and angels/guardians of the humans. You can read the synopsis of the book here on the offical webpage of Lynn Rush.

My review
In the beginning of the book I was a little wary, the book is written from the perspective of a guy, not something I am very used to. But it turned out it did not matter. I could feel as easily for 'David' as I could for every other female I have read in perspective about.
The book takes place in a different world from what I have read in other paranormal books, which was exciting, because I always like to discover a whole new world. Sometimes I did miss some details, the book tends to be a little bit rushed now and then, but since so much happens it is good at the same time that the pace of the book is higher.
At some point of the book you really feel like hitting some of the characters, but most of the time you really feel for them or just want to hug them because they are so great, basically all the characters tend to be very -let's call it- human, because they have so many different sides.

Basically my conclusion is that I really like reading the book and that it was great to find a new great author and I'm curious to read book 2 and book 0.5 from the series!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Hello world!

After seeing so many blogs coming back to life again, I realised that I pretty much missed blogging myself and that it was time to start one again. Will I succeed in keeping this one up to date? Well that is the plan, and I hope it works out. The name of the blog came just suddenly to me. I'm pretty bad with names, and this popped in to my head and I thought, well why not? I can't say my life is perfect, but I'm pretty happy with how everything is going so, that's where the name comes from, Living Life Bright.

I have quite some ideas for the blog, which include book reviews (from both known and more unknown writers/books), some movie/tv serie reviews, updates about interesting things in life and some more things that I'll overlook before I'll start about it. Some more pages will be added as well, so it will be easy to find certain things back like the reviews, and I might pimp everything up as well over time.

I also had the idea to do some drabbles as I love to write (part of the reason I really wanted to open up this blog), but I'm not sure if you guys want to read my endless drabbles. I mostly write fanfiction about series or movies I like, but as I am currently already in the process of finishing a fanfiction about 'The Vampire Diaries', I wasn't planning on starting up a full new fanfiction, but I do like to do drabbles (short written segments). So let me know if you guys are interested and let me hear which movies/series/books (or made up characters by me) you would like to read about!

Talk to you all very soon!