Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The nature of Norway

 I know that my photo technique is probably not the best - I photograph not that often and with a fairly standard camera - but that's not really the point of the photos in the first place. I realised I never blogged about my holiday to Norway during last summer and I couldn't help myself to share some photos of the beautiful nature of the country. Did any of you ever visit Norway or would like to?


  1. Wow it looks beautiful! I still wanna go there one day :)

  2. Its amazing, i really want to see that country once in my life.

  3. I think these turned out absolutely beautifully!!


  4. I've never been there, but oh my it looks beautiful!

  5. So beautiful! I haven't been there, but I would love to go sometime.

  6. I think those pictures are beautiful! Trully! And Norway seems to be such a beautiful country too! I would like one day to visit it, and even learn the language. As I'm studying translation, I'm crossing my fingers, because in our third year we can take a 4th language, and I really hope Norwegian is in the options! :)
